Einstein البرت أينشتاين
Einstein: The Story of a Genius Who Was the
Most Influential Physicist of the Twentieth
Around this time in 1915, Albert Einstein first presented the theory of relativity to the Prussian
.Academy of Sciences
Perhaps the most important result of Einstein's theory is that we know today, thanks to it, the components of the universe with great accuracy. We know that the ordinary matter from which everything around us is made is only about 5 percent of the universe, and about 25 percent of it is dark matter that we do not know what it is, but we know its properties. As for the remaining 70 percent of the universe, it is in the form of dark energy, which we do not know much about except that it pushes the universe to accelerate its spread,
.as does the cosmological constant proposed by Einstein in 1917
This theory also enables us to know the history of the universe and what happened to it in its various stages, from its inception until now. The most beautiful and profound result of the general theory of relativity is that, thanks to Einstein, for the first time in our history as human beings, we scientifically
.understand the story of our universe
??So what is the story of Einstein? What is the story of his theory
The Encyclopedia Britannica says that Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm in Wurttemberg, Germany and died on April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey in the United States, a German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won a prize
.Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect
.Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the twentieth century
Einstein's parents were secular Jews from the middle class. His father, Hermann Einstein, was originally a household salesman and later ran a factory. His mother, Pauline Koch, was a housewife. He
.had one sister, Maja, who was born two years after Albert
In his early years, he was influenced by two things. The first was that he got a compass at the age of five, as he was confused by those invisible forces that lead to the deviation of the needle. The second thing happened at the age of twelve when he discovered a book on geometry that he devoured,
.describing it as "the little holy book of geometry
Einstein became so religious at the age of 12 that he composed many songs praising God and chanted
.religious songs on his way to school
.But that began to change after he read scientific books that contradicted his religious beliefs
??What was in Einstein's letter that sold for $1.2 million
Another important influence on Einstein was the young medical student Max Talmud (later Max
.Talmey), who often dined at Einstein's house
.The Talmud became his teacher and led Einstein to learn about mathematics and philosophy
A pivotal turning point occurred in Einstein's life when he was 16 years old, when the Talmud introduced him to the Junior Science series written by Aaron Bernstein, which are simplified books on
Here, Einstein asked himself the question that would dominate his thinking during the next ten years, which is... What would a ray of light look like if you could run alongside it? If the light is a wave, then
.the light beam should appear stationary, like a frozen wave
Einstein's education was disrupted by his father's repeated business failures. In 1894, after the father's company failed to obtain an important contract to supply the city of Munich with electricity, Hermann Einstein moved to Milan to work with a relative and left his son at a boarding school in Munich to
.finish his education
After six months, Einstein fled to his parents because he felt lonely and the possibility of being drafted
.into the military, which began to loom when he was 16 years old
His parents realized the enormous problems their son faced as a school dropout and military deserter
.with no job skills, as his prospects were not promising
His parents enrolled him in a private high school run by Joost Wentler in Aarau, Switzerland, and he graduated in 1896 to join the Zurich Federal Institute of Technology, and he also gave up his German
.citizenship at that time
He remained stateless until 1901, when he acquired Swiss citizenship. He became a lifelong friend of
.the Winteler family, with whom he was staying
In 1902, Einstein may have reached the lowest point in his life, when he could not marry his sweetheart and classmate, Mileva Marek, who left Switzerland for her country, Serbia, after her pregnancy, due to
.Einstein's inability to support a family without work, as his father went bankrupt
.And Einstein worked at that time in a modest job to teach children, but even that job was fired from it
The turning point came later that year, when the father of his friend Marcel Grossmann managed to
.nominate him for a clerk position at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern
Einstein's job at the patent office was a boon, as he quickly finished analyzing patent applications to .
.have time to study and unleash his scientific dreams and aspirations
Theory of relativity
In a short speech by the famous Irish writer, George Bernard Shaw, delivered in honor of the scientist Albert Einstein in 1930, he stated that "Napoleon and great men like him built empires, but Einstein and his ilk built entire universes, without shedding a single drop of the blood of their fellow human beings."
.Einstein began working on this idea in 1907 while still working at the patent office in Bern
But serious work on this theory began immediately after he left the patent office in 1909 to take up the position of professor at the University of Zurich, and he took the development of the idea until it was
.presented to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1915
Einstein's intellectual achievement is unique, the depth of his physical theory and its mathematical beauty (of mathematics) are unprecedented in the history of modern science. The starting point for this theory came from an idea that occurred to Einstein in 1907, which he described as "the happiest idea of his life".
And that idea, which came to him when he was sitting in his office and saw from his window workers working on the roof of the building opposite, is that bodies during their fall are in a state of weightlessness. That is, weightlessness is equivalent to free fall, as is the case in astronauts, as they
.move under the influence of gravity as they orbit the Earth
Einstein's idea of relativity led to a complete revolution in physics and the understanding of nature
This idea resulted in one of the two basic principles in his theory known as the "equivalence principle". The other principle in his theory is the principle of relativity, which he also used in developing the
.special theory of relativity
This small idea, which he reached with his wild imagination and incendiary thought, led to a complete
.revolution in physics and its understanding of nature
Einstein completed his theory while working at the University of Berlin during the years of World War I. Einstein strongly opposed this war at a time when German nationalism was at its height — as it was
.in other European countries at the time
Einstein considered this war a failure of human civilization and challenged his entire community by refusing to support the war, assuming some of them accused him of treason. This position shows
.Einstein's human status, not just scientific
In 1933, with the increasing threat of Nazism in Germany, Einstein was forced to leave for the United
Einstein takes the oath of citizenship in the United States
"Einstein became a refugee. Being a Jew, an intellectual, and deeply anti-Nazi, he became enemy number one of the German Republic under Hitler," said Stuart McClaren in his new book, Saving
.Einstein: When Norfolk Hid a Genius - The Double Life of Oliver Locker Lampson
".Therefore, living in Germany was "very dangerous for him, so he had to find another place
After staying in a secret location in Britain for a period during which he was a guest of Oliver Locker-Lampseau, a former soldier in the British Navy during World War I and a member of parliament later, the great scientist who won the Nobel Prize in 1921 went to the United States, where he sought asylum
.and lived there for the rest of his life. his life
:7facts you may not know about Albert Einstein
.He was playing the violin
The Greek language teacher at the school said about him that he would never accomplish anything in
.his life
His brain structure was abnormal
.Einstein was a refugee
.He refused the position of President of the State of Israel
.The most famous picture of him was taken when he was tired of smiling
.Real and rare video of Albert Einstein
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